
July 5, 2011

What is the world coming to?

Casey Anthony found not guilty for the murder of her 2 year old daughter, Caylee? 


How can the jurors be so stupid. All the evidence was there. Casey is psycho. The jurors are idiots. And this makes me never want to go to Florida again. I'm so mad & upset right now. That poor baby girl, who did NOTHING wrong, is dead because of her dumb "mother". You know she killed her. You KNOW IT.
How can anyone do something like this?? Why is this allowed to happen and get away with it?? This country is going downhill and fast. I pray to God to watch over this country, but there's not much He's going to be able to do if no one in this country thinks to pray first? People elect "leaders" because of their skin color, not because of what they believe in. And please don't get me started on that.

Today, I'm going to hold my babies closer and pray for Caylee's family (even though they are all a bunch of hoots.) Bless that little girl's heart. 

And I can also promise, if anything ever happened to my children, God help me.

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