December 23, 2011
Venting....since its been awhile lol
I'm so tired of cleaning over and over and over again. I'm tired of our bedroom becoming a "catch-all" for dirty laundry, boxes of junk, and anything else that doesn't belong. When I go to bed, I want a nice, relaxing place to go to. And when I do clean it, it lasts for about, oh, 12 hours.
I hate dishes. Hate hate hate. And if you have a dishwasher equipped with your house, I hate you too. Well, I don't necessarily hate you...I just don't like the fact that you don't have to hand wash every. single. dish.
And right now, I have a love/hate relationship with this house and living in the country. Burning trash and no central heat and air is getting on my nerves. And it's mostly the fact that we can't do anything to this (hideous) carpet and walls. I like the house, just not how it's painted, etc.
I'm tired of picking up after everyone. I am NOT a maid. Yes, I stay at home an that's my job for right now, but it gets OLD. I don't understand why it's so hard to put things where they belong. If I wasn't such a clean freak, I would go on strike. Not like that would solve anything...things would get worse.
Sigh. I think I'm done now. Just tired of the same ole same ole.
Twitter and Christmas
I'm now on twitter an have decided to try to stick with it. I need followers to keep me motivated! I'm Tennessee_Honey :) Find me. Follow me. And I will do the same!
Now onto Christmas. I'm so ready for it to be over with but I love it just the same. My husband and I have a problem...we can't stop buying for the kids. It seems like things just keep creeping into the buggy. Oh well, it could be worse I guess. :)
I have also made more cake balls than I ever wanted to in the past couple of days. And I don't even eat cake balls!!
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Where has the time gone?? Is it just me, or did this year fly by super fast? (this reminds me; I need to do a rewind of the year post!)
I've been busy making things other than cake balls, too. Bows!! And I love it:) [I'm on my iPhone so all the pics will be at the end of this post]
I'm so excited for the new year. There are some exciting things that will happen in 2012!
Oh, and if you haven't heard of it, you should check out and make a personalized video from Santa himself! Kenzie loved hers. Her expression was priceless!! I didn't bother with making Tucker one...he could care less anyways, being that he's only 17 months old haha!
Well, Merry Christmas everyone!!
December 21, 2011
Anyways, I finally found one of the "dogs" in the woods. But it turns out he was a wolf. He could smell me but couldn't see me. Then somehow, I ended up getting bit by this wolf friend. And I cried. Then woke up.
I think I've had too much Sirius/Jacob Black on my mind.
December 5, 2011
Just voicing my opinions (aka FACTS)
Opinion/Fact #5. You can't get something out of nothing. You can't sit around and expect things to happen. Get off your butt and do something about it.
Opinion/Fact #7. Financial issues are the #1 cause of divorce. I can & can't see this. How can adults not be responsible with money? Or not share money with their spouse, even if just one of them is working? I just don't understand.
Opinion/Fact #8. Attention seeking is for 3 year olds. When you are adults, it's best to sit back and not voice your life on Facebook. Yes, everyone has bad days. But running up my newsfeed with negativity is ridiculous. Try this: when you get the urge to post something negative/attention seeking, just type it, and DELETE IT. Then, when you are feeling better, you won't look back and think "Eh, I probably shouldn't have posted that" because now you look like a doucher. :)

November 14, 2011
Fall Love
November 9, 2011
Pinteresting Wednesday!!
My dream home! It doesn’t even have to be that huge…I just LOVE where it is!
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest
I love Pinterest…but now when I make something crafty, I don’t feel as awesome because everybody and their momma (literally) will know I made if from Pinterest LOL.
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest
Linking up with
When I pray…
When I pray, I pray for my children and my husband. I pray that God will watch over them and keep them safe from harm. I thank God for bringing them into my life. I thank God for the blessings he has given me, even though I need to do this more often. I pray for my family and friends and how I’m so blessed to have them. And I pray that God will help me be a better mother and wife.
But what I can’t pray for, what I feel I’m not worthy of praying for, is me. I feel like I am a lost cause. I don’t deserve the things that God has provided for me because I fall to temptations too easily. I always want to be better, but it’s so hard for me. I can’t keep asking for forgiveness when I do the same wrong things over and over again.
And I’m still so confused with everything. I don’t know where I belong (as far as a church goes) and I don’t know nearly as much about the Bible as I should. When I do go to church, I feel ashamed. I feel that I am not worthy enough to stand in front of the cross.
I’m just going to continue to pray.
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest
November 4, 2011
Catch Up
October 26, 2011
Ready for the weekend!
October 16, 2011
Getting Started
One of my “bad habits” is sweet tea. I swear it’s my blood type. Hopefully, I can get to the point of maybe one glass a day. Or even better, none! I really need to drink more water.
So here’s to losing 60 pounds!! = Wish me luck!
Maybe I will get brave enough to post “result” pictures.