Like the past three years of shared birthday parties, this year was no different. BUT, I think this year was the best turn out and the most fun for the kids.
It was also the MOST stressful because we had it at our house. I'm a perfectionist. If things aren't going right, I lose it. But on top of being a perfectionist, I'm also a procrastinator. Doesn't make much sense, huh? Tell me about it....
Let me just make a list of things that didn't go as planned:
1. I forgot to send out invitations. This one is no biggie because I made a Facebook event, too. So whatevs. But I made these super cute invites that no one got:(
2. We spent $60 making a "Kiddy Car Wash". And when I say "we" I mean Doug. That was NOT in my party budget (if there even was such a thing). But the kids seemed to think it was pretty cool. But maybe not $60 worth of cool.
3. My printer ran out of colored ink so I couldn't print the cupcake toppers or goody bag notes.
4. When I went to make cupcakes the night before the party, I realized I didn't have any eggs. This was at 10pm. Everything in my town closes at 9pm. And I was not about to drive 15 minutes to Wal-Mart for eggs.
5. Doug and I stayed up until 3am filling up water balloons and getting the carport & backyard "semi" ready.
6. I had to wake up at 6:30am to go to the grocery store to buy eggs to make cupcakes the day OF the party. Which started at 12pm. Also, I only had ONE cupcake pan which makes 12 cupcakes. So I had to make 5 batches of cupcakes.
7. People started arriving at around 11:30. I was NO where near ready. Nothing was decorated outside. Doug hadn't even started the grill for hotdogs. The icing wasn't even on the cupcakes yet. I was on the verge of just going back to bed.
BUT. Out of all the things that went wrong, there was definitely a lot of things that were right that day. My best friend came early to help with pretty much everything. She helped me ice the cupcakes, she hung up the decorations outside.
My other best friend helped set up the drinks and food.
See my dress? My Mother-in-law MADE it. Yeah, I'm pretty lucky. |
My Nana came early to help me make the punch (which we just made up on the top of our heads because I didn't get enough ingredients to make a double batch lol!). She even brought me the cutest new owl bracelet:)
So after all the chaos of everything that went wrong, to look outside and see 15-20 smiling kids' faces, was SO worth it. To have all my family under one roof was worth it. To see my babies faces light up as they were opening their gifts was totally worth it.
We had a slip-n-slide, a "kiddy car wash", a wading pool with water guns and squirters, and water balloons. I think the kids loved it all.
After the party was over, I just felt so blessed. Even though everything was so chaotic and I didn't get a chance to really talk to everyone, I was just so happy to know just how much my children are loved. I have friends who love my kids just as much as family. And my family would do anything for my babies.
My mom, Nana, and Papa went in together to get them (us lol) the new pool.
And Doug's family went in together and got the kids a new swing set!
They were SO excited when they opened their eyes. Tucker literally sat in the swing for two hours after they brought it to us. They love it! Now, with the new pool and swing set, we will never go back inside this summer haha!
The kids loved all their gifts. I love watching their eyes grow big when they throw the paper out of the gift bag and reveal the most awesome presents they've ever seen. They are so blessed, and they don't even know it yet.
Dobby also thoroughly enjoyed himself.
So that was how Kenzie's 5th & Tucker's 3rd birthday party went. Chaotic, but filled with joy.
All of the pictures were taken by my best friend, Raven, who has a
photography business. I swear, if she wasn't there, I wouldn't have had any pictures of the party. She's amazing.