I'm no longer offering "paid" ad spots, nor am I using Passionfruit because I refuse to pay for it lol. So if you want to swap buttons with me, just send me the html for your button to laurenkloeffel@gmail.com and I'll get it put up on my blog! I just ask that you take one of my buttons, too.

Tennessee Honey's Stats
(as of 9/10/2013)
GFC Followers: 566
Total Page Views: 37,996
Views last month: 1,809
Twitter Followers: 944
Facebook likes: 197
Pinterest Followers: 699
Google+ circles: 57 people have me in circles
If you do not want to sponsor, but would like me to showcase your business/blog through a small giveaway, that would be awesome, too!
Email me at laurenkloeffel@gmail.com for any questions/concerns!
hey girl! I just ad swapped with you!
head over to rebekaheliz.blogspot.com and enter promo code swaplove for the mini glam ad! :)
excited to get to know you!
New follower and I'm in love with you ;)
Also, I submitted an adswap! Swing on by my blog and go ahead and grab yourself a button as well on my blog!
Can't wait to get to know you better :)
Hi! I just find your blog and find it fresh! ^^ I would love to swap buttons with you. If you agree, please elave a comment in my blog http://ilovemyddung.wordpress.com and as far as I arrive home I will follow you and grab your button =D
Arrived here from BBN. Cheers!
I would love to swap with you :)
Hi girl - I would love to swap with you until the end of the year if that's possible. :)
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